Margaret Knight, c. 1954
Object type:Image
- Description
Margaret Knight was the successful candidate in the 1954 Queen Carnival to raise money for the proposed Civic Centre. She is shown here in her coronation regalia.
Queen carnivals were popular community fund raising events in New Zealand during the first half of the 20th century. The tradition began around 1915 as a way of raising money for patriotic purposes. Margaret’s team raised the most of the four candidates and Margaret was ‘crowned’ in a lavish ceremony in the Drill Hall. The Carnival raised £26,000.
The new Civic Centre was built on the site of the old Drill Hall in Stafford Street and opened in February 1957 by the Governor General, Sir Willoughby Norrie.
(Simon Johnson 2021)
- Archive
- People
- Date
- 1954
- Digitisation ID
- PHOTO PEO:in26
- Community Tags