Feilding Business Awards
- Description
DescriptionThe Feilding Excellence in Business Awards has been running since the mid-1990s. Organised by Feilding Promotion, it focuses on customer service rather than financial performance. Organised by Feilding and District Promotion, the event focuses on customer service rather than financial performance and involves a "mystery shopper" style of judging. Project manager Raewyn Loader urged the community to stop by the Feilding Information Centre to cast their vote. "We want everyone in the district to nominate a business who they think deserves recognition," Loader said. "We want to build on the tradition of being friendly in Feilding. Get involved, feel good factor, have your say. "A vibrant and healthy business community impacts positively on our community, helping to attract new residents and businesses." Loader said the awards had become the highlight of the business community's calendar. The night had sold out each year. Every nominated business receives an anonymous phone call and visit, with marks allocated to each question based on the level of customer service satisfaction. Each year the awards show has a different theme or dress-up. In 2015 event-goers were required to dress up in a Gatsby theme. In 2015 it was feared it would be the last hurrah for Feilding's business awards, after changes to community funding in the Manawatu District Council's Long Term Plan nearly led to its demise. The awards are now held biennially, with the Manawatu Business Awards held in the off-year. Nominations forms are also printed in the Feilding-Rangitikei Herald.
- Date
- 1990s
- Community Tags